Difference between Patent and Trademark || Patent & Trademark in English

Difference between Patent and Trademark

To understand patent and trademark well, it is necessary to be aware of the difference between these two, so let us know what is the difference between these two: -


  • A trademark is used as a symbol to ensure the identification of products and specific goods produced by people in the market. Whereas in patent any new and useful invention is ensured to the inventor's monopoly for a certain period. Patent is granted by the government.

  • Patents where inventions in any field are granted. The same trademark is given to every word, phrase, people, picture and design etc. associated with a business.

  • Through a trademark, one product can be distinguished from another in the market. It is used to maintain this characteristic. On the other hand, a patent is granted to protect an invention.

  • Once the trademark of a person or company is registered, no other person can use the trademark of that brand. On the other hand, once something is patented, no other person can produce or sell that product.

  • It is mandatory to register a patent, whereas whether or not to register a trademark depends entirely on the businessman.

  • Patent is granted for a period of 20 years, whereas trademark is unlimited. But it has to be renewed by the company every 10 years.

  • The fees involved in applying for a patent are higher as compared to a trademark.

  • Patent where preventing others from making, selling, importing the invention. On the other hand, its registered trademark mark is not used by others, it is registered for the purpose of preventing it.

  • Patent can be done only for those things which are unique and new. Certain things such as laws of nature, natural things and creative ideas cannot be patented. Whereas only one kind of brand can be trademarked.

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