The Top 3 WordPress Web Hosts for 2023 || Starting an Ecommerce Store


The Top 3 WordPress Web Hosts for 2023

Open laptop with the words "website hosting" on the screen

Best of 2023: Bluehost, Cloudways, Flywheel, Hostinger, Kinsta, Nexcess, Scala Hosting, Siteground, and WP Engine.

My team and I spent countless hours pouring over every detail from price and performance to ease of use, migrations, and features. Along the way, we identified five hosts that outshine the rest.

Our favorite WordPress hosts for 2023 are:

  1. Hostinger — Most Affordable WordPress Web Host

Hostinger WordPress hosting

  • Starts at $1.99 per month

  • Month-to-month pricing available

  • Free domain and SSL certificate

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

Hostinger stands out for its low prices and stellar loading times.

How low? Hostinger’s current managed WordPress plan starts at just $1.99 per month for a single website—which is unbeatable compared to other web hosts out there. While that is promotional pricing, even the contract renewal price of $3.99 per month is very affordable.

But here’s the kicker: for just one dollar more per month (currently $2.99), you can build 100 websites along with 100 GB of SSD storage, free email, and unlimited bandwidth.

  1. Bluehost — Best for Creating Your First WordPress Website

Bluehost WordPress hosting

  • Normally $8.99/month

  • Free domain and SSL certificate

  • Recommended by WordPress

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

Bluehost is a favorite for many because it is one of the three web hosts that WordPress officially recommends for people to use. That’s about as good of an endorsement as you can get for WordPress hosting.

The main reason people enjoy Bluehost? It’s simple to get started. Once you get started, you can install WordPress immediately and you’ll have your bare-bones site live within just 15 minutes.

  1. SiteGround — Best for Ecommerce Websites with Easy Site Migration

SiteGround hosting options

  • Starts at $2.99/month

  • Free SSL, email, CDN, & backups

  • Recommended by WordPress

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

SiteGround is another of WordPress’ recommended web hosts. It offers incredibly affordable managed hosting solutions–that are incredibly powerful as well.

Where SiteGround really shines is in how easy it makes:

  • Migrating to their host. Their free migrator tool lets you easily port your old website over to their website in just a few days’ time. No development or coding knowledge is required.

  • Setting up an online store. With the powerful combination of WordPress and WooCommerce, you’ll be able to set up an ecommerce site to start making money in a snap. Seriously, it just takes a few clicks.

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